Winter House League Registration will open on Friday, November 1 @ 9am. We do cap our house league and we work on a first-come-first serve. So please make sure to sign up if you are interested in your child playing water polo. New players do need to come to an evaluation/tryout in November.
The Winter 2024/25 Greenwich Aquatics Water Polo House league season starts on Monday, December 2 and goes until February 23. Players will practice one time during the week and then play in-house games every Sunday. We have listed the tentative practice days for all four groups. For Sunday game days, kids will be divided onto different teams every week so they get to learn how to play with everyone. Players will play from either 1-2pm or 2-3pm.
Cost Per Season: $575 (plus a YMCA annual membership which is $280 for the year)
Evaluation/Tryout Dates: For new players to our program or players that have not played with us in a while, we ask that you come in to be evaluated. Evaluations should only take 15 minutes and we will send out an evaluation sign-up sheet after new players register.
Prerequisite: In order to play water polo, players need a minimum swimming level. Players need to be able to swim a few laps of freestyle without stopping. We do a timed 50 free at the evaluations and are looking for players to do 2 laps under 1 minute. If players are not ready for water polo based on their swimming level, we recommend focusing on swim lessons to start.
Mondays: 4-5pm (Co-ed 8-10 Year Old Beginner Practice Group)
Dec: 2, 9, 16
Jan: 6, 13, 20, 27
Feb: 3, 10, 17
Tuesdays: 4-5pm (All Girls Practice Group)
Dec: 3, 10, 17
Jan: 7, 14, 21, 28
Feb: 4, 11, 18
Wednesday: 4-5pm (All-Boys 9-12 Year Intermediate Practice Group)
Dec: 4, 11, 18
Jan: 8, 15, 22, 29
Feb: 5, 12, 19
GAME DAYS FOR ALL – Sundays From 1-1:55pm or 2-3pm
Dec: 8, 15, 22
Jan: 5, 12, 26
Feb: 2, 9, 16, 23
Note that there is no house league game on Sunday, Jan 19 as the Marlins Swim team is hosting a swim meet.